BEHOLD... Ascian Ascent;
The story continues, the dream lives on....
Dynamis | Maduin | Empy | Ward 22 | Plot 38
Pop-Up/Hours May Vary
Ascian Ascent, founded on the history of the ancient ascians, is a place for one and all to come have fun. Whether you're an ascian, a voidsent, a god(dess) of some sort, or even a measly commoner (hell even if you're a WoL!) ALL are welcome to this humble abode! Come on in and have a drink, order some food, hire a date or some more exotic company, enjoy music by live DJs some nights and bards on others! Whatever it may be we welcome you to Ascian Ascent! And Ascend we shall~
Be Adventurous, Be Bold, Be Dangerous, BECOME IMMORTAL!!!Looking for work with us??? Fill out the app @ https://forms.gle/VyWAiVbj2oAL9899A
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